
The whole Clínica SOL team, believe that being socially responsible, means to recognize and to integrate the worries of everyone around us into our everyday work. When we develop our Social Corporate Responsibility Plan, we analyze our society and its needs, to cooperate in the improvement of the lives of people around us.

Starting 2015, we joined several programs to be more involved with our social environment ant to contribuye to its improvement. This year 2018, we give one more step to improve our social responsibility strategy, and we signed the United Nation Global Pact. We believe that we must administrate our clinic in an ethical way and we base our daily work in the ten principles of the Global Compact United Nations, they  deal with human rights, employment, environment and fight against corruption. These principles are accepted globally as a guide to develop Social Corporate Responsibility policies within any organization.


Our grants for NGO´s and  supports sports are organized a new year again.


Our grants for NGO´s and  supports sports are organized a new year again. Read more


These are some of the RSC activities we took part in 2018. Read more


Our activities in 2017 were… Read more


This is what we did in 2016… Read more